Aden, Yemen booked.net

Navigation Data

Port limits

From Ras Abu Qiyamah in a direction 166° for 1.76 miles to Lat 12° 42.00’ N, Long 44° 54.00’E, thence on a bearing of 090° to Lat 12° 42.00’ N, Long 45° 00.00’E, thence on a bearing of 007° for a distance of 3.15 miles to Round Island. Port regulations are in force in all areas of the Port of Aden between these limits and the shoreline.

Buoys, fairways and channels

The hills on Aden and Little Aden peninsulas extend well to the south from the main land, providing excellent protection for the harbour that lies between them. Approaching Aden from the W, pass 1 nm south of Little Aden Peninsula and then to pilot station at 12° 44.0’ N, 044° 57.0’ E, south of the entrance to the dredged channel marked by the No. 1 buoys (QR and QG). At night, with Elephant’s Back light (red and white sectored) on a bearing of not greater than 061° (white sector) a ship will clear the Little Aden Peninsula on a course to bring her close to the port entrance. Approaching from the E, pass 1 nm south of the Aden Peninsula and then to the channel entrance. At night, pass 1.5 nm S of Ra’s Marshaq light and then steer W to the entrance to the channel.

All approach channels to Aden are marked by pairs of buoys and vessels should pass mid-way between these buoys. From the No. 1 buoys the outer section of the dredged channel is 15.0m in depth, width 220m, leading to Buoy No. 3 (S Cardinal, VQ6 + LFl 10s) 9 cables north of the channel entrance where it divides into channels leading to the oil harbour and to the inner harbour.


The channel to Little Aden oil harbour has a depth of 14.7m, width 220m, length 2.3 nm. from the dividing point. Immediately after passing No. 2 buoys, turn to head 300° on the leading marks for the centre of the channel to pass north of the oil harbour breakwater turning area (diameter 420m). From the dividing point the inner harbour channel has a depth of 15.0m, width 185m, distance 2.6 nm to the inner harbour breakwater, marked by pairs of buoys. Vessels steer 027° to inner harbour channel No. 2 Buoys, then 047° to clear the inner harbour breakwater. The inner harbour channel is 15.0m deep, 220m wide and leads on a heading of 068° to the 700m diameter turning area off the ACT.

Aden Gulf Terminal (AGT)
(see also the section on the AGT)


The AGT is marked by red and green lights situated on the mooring dolphin, Fl ev 4 secs, showing over an arc of the horizon of 90 degrees each. Ships due to berth at berth 1, on the north side of the jetty, approach from the centre of the turning area. In view of the limited space available for berthing, ships calling at berth 2, on the south side of the jetty, need to approach with caution from the southern section of the turning area.


Ships calling at the Ma’alla Terminal should approach from the central part of the turning area, keeping well clear of Buoy No. 9 marking shallow water north of the AGT, to reach the berths and 11.0m deep turning area north of the Ma’alla terminal.



Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 200 GRT entering or leaving (with certain exceptions). The pilot station for all vessels bound for the oil harbour or inner harbour, unless advised otherwise by Aden Port Control, is immediately south of the channel entrance in Lat 12° 44.00’N and Long 44° 57.00’E, shown by the standard Pilot Station symbol. A circle radius 5 cables at this position is marked on the chart to indicate that anchoring within this area is prohibited.


All vessels arriving off the port and wishing to enter must show the standard international signal to request a pilot. Pilot boats have red hulls and yellow superstructures. They exhibit the standard international pilot signal at night. During all seasons, ships should be heading north while boarding the pilot. A pilot ladder should be rigged on the port (lee) side by the ship during the NE Monsoon period (mid-September to May). The ladder should normally be rigged on the starboard (lee) side during the SW monsoon (June to mid-September) unless otherwise advised by the Control Tower.


Anchorage (see Anchorage section)



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